
4410 Arden Dr, Fort Wayne, IN 46804

Open 7pm to 10pm Friday & Saturday


Monsters, Actors, Volunteers, Friends, or Family = Hysterium


We still have several monster spots left to fill. So…..
Hysterium Haunted Asylum is holding our last audition for th season on :   We will contact you after you fill out the next page.

Want to be a part of a great fun crew?

Auditions are easy. Just show us a minute or two of your personality and show us you can improvise. It is easy!

If you act you will be paid a generous per diem for each night. Wrap up party after the season is when we pay the staff.

Everyone MUST audition each year.

We will train anyone that is willing to learn and be a part of the team. 

Our team usually visits several other haunted houses in the region and all trips with the team include free admission, some gas money in car pools, and occasionally food as well.

A wrap up party is held after the season with free food, activities, and awards.

Must be able to pass a background check .

Again, the following dates and times are set and everyone MUST audition and train at least one of the dates:  We will notify you after you fill out the next page.

Our season starts with a media / friends / family / dress rehearsal that is on Friday Sept 13 from 7-9pm. This one is strongly recommended to act and invite some friends and family to go through free, but there is no per diem for that night.

Just act the dates you commit too or it will decrease the potential per diem.


Ⓒ2023 Hysterium All Rights Reserved

Ticketing by FEAR TICKET & Site By JamBam